7. Food Intolerance
Most people who have IBS find that their symptoms are worse when they consume certain foods. In addition to gas-producing foods, some people find that dairy products cause their symptoms to exacerbate. This may be due to an allergy or a lack of the enzyme “lactase,” which is needed for the proper digestion of dairy products. If lactose intolerance contributes to gassiness, avoiding dairy, consuming only cultured dairy products, or taking a lactase enzyme may be beneficial.
8. Altered Intestinal Flora
The gut contains vast amounts of bacteria. Most of these bacteria are harmless and beneficial. However, the balance of bacteria within the intestines may be altered due to irritation, changes in bowel habits, and sensitivity. Specific tests may be prescribed to evaluate gut flora. Medications, essential oils, herbs, probiotics, prebiotics and dietary changes help to restore a healthy balance of bacteria within the gastrointestinal tract.
Functional medicine experts prescribe a fourfold plan for reestablishing healthy gut flora balance:
- Actions are taken to remove harmful or excessive pathogens.
- Healthy bacteria are replaced.
- Additional bacteria are introduced, which help to keep unhealthy organisms in check.
- Foods and nutrients are prescribed that facilitate the healing of irritated tissues.
Diagnosis and Treatment of IBS
For a diagnosis of IBS to be made, abdominal pain must occur for three days each month out for three consecutive months. Two of the following three statements regarding the pain must apply.
- The pain stops or diminishes after a bowel movement.
- The pain is related to a change in the frequency of bowel movements.
- Pain is associated with changes in how the stool appears.
Symptoms of IBS are similar to those caused by other gastrointestinal illnesses. Unlike most other conditions that cause abdominal pain, bloating, and changes in bowel habits, IBS does not cause or result from physical changes in the gastrointestinal organs. Because of that, IBS is classified as a functional disorder. It is diagnosed by ruling out other conditions that produce similar symptoms.
Because IBS is a complex condition, which is impacted by factors within and outside of the body, a comprehensive ongoing treatment plan is essential to obtain and maintain optimal wellness. Conventional and alternative health practices offer benefits for people who have IBS.
Read more about the symptoms of IBS over at NewLifeOutlook.
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